WA3RM AB (wa3rm.com) develops regenerative industry infrastructure.
●Co-founded WA3RM
●Project Manager for RePro Food (reprofood.com) a development collaboration initiative by Findus, co-financed by Vinnova
●CEO July 2015-November 2017
The European Spallation Source Scandinavia (http://ess-scandinavia.eu) aims to build the world's premier neutron source in Lund, Sweden.
●Made ESS the world leader in sustainable energy management within Research Infrastructure
●Built a world-class team for energy management
●Delivered on audacious goals for energy efficiency, renewable energy and heat recycling
●Developed and implemented a strategy for profitable sustainability
NEMS AB develops nano electromechanical devices based on a proprietary platform technology (www.nems.se).
●Developed a structure of communication within the company, so that researchers, inventors and investors could develop a common understanding of goals, challenges, and paths to success.
●Attracted leading researchers in the field in Lund and in Copenhagen to contribute full time, part time, or as consultants.
●Achieved a proof of concept for a bio sensor device as well as a varactor (device to control capacitance).
Combined management research and practice in the form of commissioned interpretive management research, organization consulting, and management services
Lunds Energikoncernen (The Lund Energy Group today Kraftringen) supplies electricity, district heating and natural gas and operates local energy grids in southern Sweden. Sweden and Norway deregulated their electricity markets in 1996 and the Nordpool trading area is therefore perhaps the world’s most competitive (www.lundsenergikoncernen.se).
●Reported to the group CEO, with the goal to move business to a subsidiary and develop it as a business unit.
●Led 12 employees in trading and risk management of energy contracts worth three billion SEK per year.
●Critically assessed the risk management system, leveraging knowledge of mathematics and the energy market and initiated improvements that could significantly reduce risk.
●Elected to serve in the marketing committee of both the federation of Swedish energy companies, Swedenergy, and the national electric grid company, Svenska Kraftnät.
●Selected as a speaker at Swedenergy's annual meeting 2004 and 2005.
●Led efforts of Swedenergy to improve customer confidence in the industry, severely hurt by poor customer service after deregulation.
Elbolaget i Norden AB, later Lunds Energi Försäljning AB, is the electricity retail part of the Lunds Energi group (now Kraftringen).
●Developed a new business plan to handle crisis after severe losses in 2001 and successfully led the implementation of the plan, creating a healthy sustained profit level of over 10 million SEK per year, without binding any capital at all.
●The size of my responsibilities varied as restructuring progressed, but for the most part I was responsible for a turnover of around 1000 MSEK and 20-25 employees.
●Initiated and completed a business restructuring deal involving values for 100 MSEK (approx. 15 MUSD) in order to strengthen the business concept and achieve enhanced growth and savings of at least 2 MSEK per year.
●Took over sales of district heating and natural gas and restructured the sales organization from the earlier product orientation to key account management.
●Also CEO of:
•Lunds Energi Försäljning AB (earlier Elbolaget i Norden AB),
•Nynäshamns Energi Handel AB,
•Kraftringen AB and (earlier) Christianstad Elförsäljning AB.
The unit Development Services was responsible for project management, business development, facility management, IT/Telecom and other internal services.
●Merged three business units within the Lunds Energy group.
●Responsible for a turnover of ca 50 MSEK (approx. 7 MUSD) and 45 employees. Reported to the group CEO and was part of Lunds Energi’s executive management.
Lunds Energi AB was at the time a local energy utility with great ambitions on newly deregulated energy markets (www.lundsenergi.se).
●Reported directly to the group CEO
●Led implementation and certification of Lunds Energi group to ISO 14001.
●Formed a joint venture for electricity retail and trading in Sweden together with British Eastern Group, initially valued at 500 MSEK (approx. 75 MUSD).
●Independently handled spontaneous and planned press contacts, responsible for image and profile issues, advertising and sponsoring.
●Identified, evaluated and pursued acquisitions and other business opportunities.
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIEE) was founded shortly after I joined out of a small research group performing research in environmental management and policy primarily for Swedish industry and government(www.iiiee.lu.se).
●Contributed to establishment of international master’s program.
●Commissioned research for several major Swedish corporations.
●Created curriculum and lectured in environmental accounting and environmental management
●Research management, including concept, financing and execution.
Dissertation title: “The Meaning of Environmental Management - An Interpretive Study of Managing Emergent or Evolutionary Environmental and Energy Strategy”
Dissertation title: “Total Cost Indicators - Operational Performance Indicators for managing environmental efficiency”
Thesis title: MERA MILA: Tillämpningar av Miljörelaterad Investerings- och LönsamhetsAnalys (More MILA - Case Studies in Environmentally Related Capital Budgeting)
●Billyvind AB, Lund, Sweden, 2007-2008
●Obducat AB, Malmö, Sweden, 2005-2007 [Obducat AB is listed on the NGM exchange in Stockholm and is the leading company in the world within nano imprint lithography and electron beam lithography] (www.obducat.com).
●Kraftringen Service AB, 2005-2006
●Billinge Energi AB, 2001-2005
●KREAB Energi Försäljning AB, 2003-2005
●Ringsjö Energi Försäljning AB, 2004-2005
●Svensk Gasteknisk Center AB, Malmö, Sweden 1999-2002
●KREAB Energi AB, Deputy Director, 2002-2004
●Björnekulla Energi AB, Deputy Director, 2002-2004
●Slitevind AB, Gotland, Sweden — 1998-2002 [Slitevind AB (www.slitevind.se), although small, was at the time Sweden’s largest independent wind power company] (www.slitevind.se)
●AB Medborgarskolan i Helsingborg, Helsingborg, Sweden, — 1985-1986
●Deputy Director, Sundspärlan AB, Helsingborg, Sweden — 1987-1989
●City of Malmö Environment Board (Miljönämnden), Malmö, Committee Member, 2001-2002
●County of Malmöhus County Council, Malmöhus läns landsting, Council Member, 1988-1991
●County of Malmöhus County Council Board of Education (Utbildningsnämnden), MLL, Deputy Committee Member, 1988-1991
●City of Helsingborg City Council (Helsingborgs kommunfullmäktige) Council Member, 1988-1991
●City of Helsingborg Personnel Committee (Personalnämnden), Helsingborg, Deputy Committee Member, 1986-1988
●Tank Commander, P6FO14, Kristianstad, Sweden — 1986-1987
●Värnpliktsriksdagen (National Military Service Conference), Chairman, 1986
●Committee Member representing battalion at Förbandsnämnd 6:e pansarregementet (Unit Committee 6:th Armored Regiment), 1985-86
●Moderata Ungdomsförbundet (Moderate Youth League) 2nd vice Chairman, MUF Malmöhus län
●Chairman, MUF Helsingborg, 1987-88
●Chairman, MSU Helsingborg, 1985-86
●Chairman, Young Scientists Association Flogiston, Helsingborg 1984-1986
Dissertation title: “The Meaning of Environmental Management - An Interpretive Study of Managing Emergent or Evolutionary Environmental and Energy Strategy”
Dissertation title: “Total Cost Indicators - Operational Performance Indicators for managing environmental efficiency”
Thesis title: MERA MILA: Tillämpningar av Miljörelaterad Investerings- och Lönsamhets¬Analys (More MILA - Case Studies in Environmentally Related Capital Budgeting)
●Business Administration, Lund University Business School, 1995
●Legal Survey Course, Dep. of Commercial Law, Lund University,1988
●Organization and Leadership, Dep. of Education, Lund University, 2003
●Associate of Business Administration —Nicolaiskolan, Helsingborg, 1985
●Associate of Science — Olympiaskolan, Helsingborg, 1984