

Parker, Thomas & Svantemark, Maria. (2019). Resilience by industrial symbiosis? A discussion on risk, opportunities and challenges for food production in the perspective of the food-energy-water nexus. Sustainable Earth. 2. 10.1186/s42055-019-0016-7

Parker, Thomas I. (2017). ‘Managing Emergence, Management Systems in Emergent, Evolutionary and Deliberate Strategy Contexts’. In The Meaning of Environmental Management, 123–53. Lund, Sweden: Faculty of Engineering, IIIEE, Lund University.

Parker, Thomas I. (2017). The Meaning of Environmental Management, An Interpretive Study of Managing Emergent or Evolutionary Environmental and Energy Strategy. Lund, Sweden: Faculty of Engineering, IIIEE, Lund University.

Peck, Philip, and Thomas Parker. (2016). ‘The “Sustainable Energy Concept” – Making Sense of Norms and Co-Evolution within a Large Research Facility’s Energy Strategy’. Journal of Cleaner Production 123 (June): 137–54.

Parker, T. and Kiessling, A. (2016), Low-grade heat recycling for system synergies between waste heat and food production, a case study at the European Spallation Source. Energy Sci Eng, 4: 153–165. doi:10.1002/ese3.113

Seidel, M., E., J., R., G., J., S., P., S. & Parker, T. (2015). Improving the energy efficiency of accelerator facilities. In: 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Richmond, VA, USA, 2015-05-03.

Parker, T. & Peck, P. (2014). Greening for Bosons. In: 55th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e- Colliders – Higgs Factory (HF2014), Beijing, 2014-10-09.

Stadlmann, J., Gehring, R., Jensen, E., Parker, T., Seidel, M. & Spiller, P. (2014). Energy Effciency of Particle Accelerators: A Networking Effort within the EuCard2 Program. In: 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Dresden, Germany, 2014-06-15.

Parker, T. (2013). Sustainable Accelerators. In: EuCARD'13, CERN, Geneva, 2013-06-12.

Kiessling, A. & Parker, T. (2014) System Synergies between Waste Heat and Food Production, a case study at the European Spallation Source, Energy Systems Conference, London, U.K..

Weisend, J., Darve, C., Gallimore, S., Hees, W., Jurns, J., Köttig, T., Ladd, P., Molloy, S., Parker, T. & Wang, X. (2014). Status of the ESS Cryogenic System. In: Joint Conference of the Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) / Transactions of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Anchorage, AK, June 17-21, 2013. American Institute of Physics. 633-638.

Peggs, S. (ed) ESS Technical Design Report, ESS-doc-274, April 23, 2013, ISBN 978-91-980173-2-8, 650 p.

Parker, T., Andersson-Ek, P., Bengtssson, R., Blücher, A., Didriksson, M., Eriksson, R., Fröjd, C., Gesterling, M., Gierow, M., Indebetou, F., Jensen, F., Jurns, J., Lindström, E., Lundgren, D., Nilsson, M., Persson, J., Persson, T., Renntun, M., Stenlund, J., Strömberg, S., Strandberg, G., Stråth, N., Swartling-Jung, M., Wiegert, M. & Österback, R. (2013). ESS Energy Design Report. ESS reports, ESS-0001761. European Spallation Source ESS AB.

Parker, T. (2013). The view from below - a management system case study from a meaning-based view of organization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 53 81-90.

Peggs, S. (ed) ESS Conceptual Design Report, ESS reports, ESS-2012-001, 6 Feb 2012, ISBN 978-91-980173-0-4, 240 p.

Parker, T. (2011). Cutting Science's electricity bill. Nature, 480 315-316.

Nawrocka, D. & Parker, T. (2009). Finding the connection: environmental management systems and environmental performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 17(6) 601-607.

Ghatnekar-Nilsson, S, I Karlsson, A Kvennefors, G Luo, V Zela, M Arlelid, T Parker, L Montelius, and A Litwin. (3 April 2009). "A new multifunctional platform based on high aspect ratio interdigitated NEMS structures." Nanotechnology 20, no. 17.

Parker, T. (1998). Total Cost Indicators - Operational Performance Indicators for managing environmental and economic efficiency. Licentiate Dissertation. Lund University.$webAll/7F44850DE7450F18C1256C36004076D9/$FILE/parker.pdf

Parker, T. Environmental Indicators and Case Study at Lund Energy, Conference proceedings Invitational Expert Seminar Challenges and Approaches to Incorporating the Environment into Business Decisions, Opio, Provence, France, June 3-5, 1996

Parker, T. Environmental Performance Evaluation -The Finance Sector and Cleaner Production, Keynote Lecture on Environmental Economics, Third European Roundtable on Cleaner Production (October 1996)

Parker, T. Miljö och ekonomi (Environment and Economy), Miljö & Teknologi, Vand & Landskab 4/96, 1996

Parker, T. An Overview and Guide to the Literature of Environmental Accounting issues, Methods and Models. IIIEE Communications 1996:2, Lund University, 1996

Parker, T. Environmental Indicators and Case Study at Lund Energy, Conference proceedings Invitational Expert Seminar Challenges and Approaches to Incorporating the Environment into Business Decisions, Opio, Provence, France, June 3-5, 1996